Glasgow social care network to assess implications of Budget

Glasgow Social Care Providers Forum has launched Scotland’s first post-budget survey into ‘Provider Pain’ as the care sector tries to balance its books in the face of ever-deeper cuts.

Romanian Sociology graduate Ionut Petrescue, 27 who is studying for an MSc in public policy at Glasgow University will carry out the work during a month long internship with GSCPF.

Charlie Barker, Director of GSCPF said: “We commissioned this study to help us get a handle on how much provider pain our members are suffering and what survival strategies they are putting in place to deal with the funding crisis.

“Ionut will conduct in-depth interviews with key figures in a representative cross section of our members who deliver around 60% of Glasgow Social Work’s commissioned services.

“We hope to uncover some valuable lessons, and the timing could not be better given this week’s budget with its promise of years of austerity for the public sector.’

Ionut, a graduate of Bucharest University said: “I want to get a clearer picture of how organisations can survive a funding crisis, and what strategies and options they are adopting.

“I think it’s really exciting because anything we learn can apply to all sectors, and the crisis is now – not just in the Scotland and UK, but in the whole of Europe.”

Ionut’s studies in Glasgow are part of a Romanian government ‘Young Professionals’ programme which sends graduates abroad to countries like the UK to gain the knowledge and experience to help their country reform its public administration.