Capital domestic abuse scheme wins national award
A SCHEME that aims to reduce the likelihood of men convicted of domestic violence from reoffending has won a national award.
City council employees Moira Andrew and Rory Macrae and the Scottish Government’s Monica Wilson helped develop the Caledonian System.
They have been awarded the annual Butler Trust Award, which recognises achievements in the field of criminal justice work across the United Kingdom.
The Caledonian System aims to help men change their behaviour through intervention work and assessing the potential risk they pose and then managing that risk by working with other agencies including social work, police and the voluntary sector.
Councillor Paul Edie, the city’s social care leader, said: “A lot of hard work has been put in by Moira, Rory and Monica in developing the Caledonian System over the years.
“It is an innovative way of tackling the issue of domestic abuse in this country as it both reduces re-offending and helps victims.
“If we can get to the cause of men’s offending and this prevents them committing further acts of violence then this means getting nearer to the root of the problem and resolving it.”