Obese mother and father have all seven children taken into care

THE 23-stone mum who had her baby taken from her just hours after birth has now lost all seven of her children. The woman was told the last of her three children still at home were being taken into care.

Authorities are deeply concerned about the weight of all of her children.

But there was some good news for the 40-year-old woman.

She and her partner, 54, who weighs 17 stone, have been told they can have the baby back – if they work with social workers to keep the herself from hospital. They appealed to a hearing of the children.’s reporter yesterday.

Speaking at the family home in Dundee, the children’s distraught father said: “The baby has breathing difficulties and is in the special unit at Ninewells hospital. We’re going to see her tonight.

“Hopefully, we’ll have her back by the weekend. The panel said we could have her on condition we agreed to work with the social work department and Dundee Families Project 100 per cent. We’re fine by that and will do anything to get our children back.

“We haven’t always agreed with social workers and have not always co-operated, so we’ve had to put our differences aside for the children.”

Three of the children – not including the baby – were already in the care of the local authority.

On Wednesday, the children’s panel in Dundee ruled the three children still at home be removed. They were taken straight from school into care last night. The family are to appeal the decision.

The father, who has heart problems, said: “It has been absolute hell. One minute we had four children, and then none, and then we get one back.

“I’m in total shock. I haven’t eaten in two days.”

Dundee City Council social work department became involved with the family more than a year ago when they requested help with one child who has developmental problems. At the time, they had a toddler weighing four stone and a 13-year-old son of 16st.

The council intervened to ensure the children were given the best opportunity to lose weight.

But the council weren’t happy with the improvement and took the youngest two children, aged three and four, into care last month.

Last night, a spokesman said: “We have made it clear on numerous occasions that children would not be removed from a family environment just because of a weight issue.”