New ‘Don’t Forget’ campaign targets social workers across Scotland
Scotland’s social workers will be encouraged to help promote National Care Standards to their clients, as part of a new drive to increase awareness of the Standards amongst people across Scotland.
Following the high-profile awareness campaign, which launched in June 2008 and was repeated in February 2009, professionals are now being called upon to play their part by telling their clients about the Standards and the benefits of using them. This will ensure people know what they should expect from care services in Scotland.
Up to 3,000 social workers across the country will receive campaign materials, carrying the message ‘Don’t Forget’, to remind them to discuss the Standards with their clients. They are in a key position to direct their clients to the appropriate Standards for care services which will help to ensure people receive the right quality of care.
Since the start of the campaign, the National Care Standards’ helpline has received more than 2,400 calls from people requesting further information. More than 60 per cent of calls were from individuals making enquiries for themselves; while a quarter of calls (25 per cent) were from people seeking advice for a parent or relative. The campaign also drove a further 12,122 unique users to the National Care Standards’ website in a three month period, from January 2009.
To support the campaign, the ‘Carry on Caring’ theatre production completed a second tour of 50 care homes and day care venues in February and March, highlighting the principles behind the standards to an audience of care users, family members and staff.
Jacquie Roberts, chief executive of The Care Commission, said: “Scotland’s National Care Standards are central to the relationship between the care providers and the people receiving care. They are a clear and explicit expression of the quality of service people can and should expect. They ensure that the outcomes of care are right for the individual.
“Social workers are a key group for informing people, but we urge everyone who may be using or choosing a care service to read those Standards that apply to the service they have an interest in.”
For further information on the campaign and to access downloadable versions of the National Care Standards, log on to