Ideas book will help carers with no support
AN ideas book has been developed by a city university think tank to help carers in their daily work.
It has been designed to help day and respite carers, especially those who work in elderly people’s homes.
The booklet was created by the Centre for the Older People’s Agenda at Queen Margaret University to offer practical suggestions to those who find themselves isolated from the support network of a home or hospital.
Staff there said supporting carers had long been a neglected area, and the Good Ideas booklet contained ideas on how to keep people healthy, active and in good spirits, and it was shaped by older people themselves.
The city’s health and social care leader, Cllr Paul Edie, said: “Good Ideas is an innovatory development and another important element in the wide range of services which will help us achieve our joint Live Well in Later Life plan.
“It is important that we continue to work with partners to help older people to stay for as long as possible in their own homes.”