Jack Receives Award For His Social Work Achievements

A social worker will be presented with an award at the Scottish Parliament after being named one of the best in the country.

Jack Blaik, 60,was runner-up in the British Association of Social Workers’ Social Worker of the Year Award. He has been invited to the special ceremony on Thursday.

Mr Blaik was nominated for his five years’ work developing “self-directed support” with Edinburgh City Council, which allows service users to determine the care they need. They can be given cash payments to pay for the most suitable care or support.

He is now on part-time secondment to the Scottish Government.

His colleagues commented on his “dedication, commitment and good humour and his palpable empathy for his clients” in making the nomination.

Mr Blaik has first-hand experience of being a carer as he supports his 31-year-old son, who has substantial care needs, and his wife, who is blind.

Councillor Paul Edie, the council’s health, social care and housing leader, said: “Every day, social work staff make a real and positive difference to thousands of people. I am delighted to see Jack receive this recognition for the considerable difference he makes to individuals in a job that has many challenges and responsibilities.”