Axe Schools, Not Help For Vulnerable – Charity Boss

The boss of an Aberdeen charity for homeless people has called on the city council to close more schools rather than axe services to vulnerable people, it can be revealed.

Paul Hannan, chief executive of the Cyrenians, has entered the row over city council budget cuts, saying he “failed to see the logic” of keeping under-capacity schools open while social work and the voluntary sector face reduced funding.

Cyrenians suffered a 25% cut in its council funding as part of February’s budget.

Councillors are expected to approve a further £24million of budget cuts at Wednesday’s full council meeting, and new figures obtained by the Press and Journal show that funding to the voluntary sector could be reduced by about £6.6million.

Mr Hannan has written to the local authority saying the closure of a school such as Bridge of Don’s Middleton Park Primary – which was threatened with the axe earlier this year but won a shock reprieve from councillors – would have a “minimal impact” on children and their parents.

He said: “The children would receive the same standard of education in the neighbouring schools but may have to be in slightly larger classes and walk slightly further to school.

“We fail to see the logic of maintaining under-capacity within schools when all but those with urgent or high social-work needs are being provided with services, except that the citizens of Aberdeen as a whole are more likely to notice the closure of a school than they would the hundreds of individuals with medium or low social-work needs not getting support in their own homes.”

The Press and Journal revealed this week that the city council had projected to cut £2million from its school estate between 2010-12, the equivalent of several closures.

Mr Hannan’s letter was sent as part of consultation on the next wave of cuts.

Resources management committee convener Kevin Stewart said: “During the course of this consultation, we have asked folk to come up with alternatives if they don’t think savings should be made in their area. Mr Hannan has obviously chosen to do so. However, I’m quite surprised with his pick.”

Opposition Labour group spokesman Willie Young said: “Paul has made some valid points, but if the voluntary sector starts fighting with the voluntary sector the only winner will be the administration and the only loser will be the public out there.”