Teenager Is Sent To Jail After Causing Rumpus At Homeless Unit
A teenager has been jailed for swearing and conducting himself in a disorderly manner at a homeless unit in Coatbridge. Caray Wilson was sent to prison for four months after pleading guilty to committing a breach of the peace at Old School Court – less than two weeks after being granted bail from Airdrie Sheriff Court.
Sheriff Tom Millar told the 19-year-old he had no option but to jail him, saying: “The report doesn’t make good reading.”
The fiscal depute told the court how Wilson had been at the unit on School Street at 4.30pm on September 22.
She said: “Two staff were on duty and asked him to leave – he started being abusive.”
A defence agent said Wilson, of Belmont Drive in Shotts, was a young man who obviously has difficulties adding: “ “He’s had opportunities from the social work department but isn’t taking those, and perhaps a period in custody might give him some reality.”