Highland Council Announce New Homeless Policy

HIGHLAND Council’s social work committee approved a new homelessness strategy today in a bid to counter homelessness. Across the region the number of households applying for homeless assistance has more than doubled since 2000.

Over the same period, pressure on housing has grown and there continues to be a severe lack of affordable housing in the Highlands.

The policy aims to cut the time spent in temporary accommodation and ensure that support is available to help manage their housing in the future.

Of the 2,272 people applying to the council as homeless in 2007/2008, 40 per cent were singles under the age of 25, and 30 per cent were under 16.

The new policy involves improving information and advice available, conducting joint work with other agencies and developing accommodation models with the necessary support.

Social work chairman Councilor Margaret Davidson said: “Implementing the actions set out in the strategy may not solve all of the problems we face, but it will take us another enormous step forward.”