Fife Council Introduce New Care Charges In April

CONTROVERSIAL increases to Fife Council’s home care charges will come into effect on April 7.

According to the local authority, this will allow more time for vital financial assessments, as well as ensuring people fully understand the increases.

Councillors at Tuesday’s social work committee also agreed shopping delivery services, which could cost as much as £7, will be means tested so the full amount will only be paid by those who can afford it.

However, members of Fife Council’s opposition parties are still not convinced this is the best plan of action.

Kirkcaldy North Councillor David Ross said: “The administration’s latest plans only raise the question: why were these assessments not carried out in the first place?

“There have been many meetings since the decision to increase the charges was taken, which seems to have been more about informing people than consulting them.

“Some of the responses which the Council has received as part of consultation revealed there are real fears which we need to address.”

One of these emotive reactions stated: “I will be totally impoverished and reducedto income support levels of living. I will be unable to afford to go out.”

A motion put forward by Cllr Ross for a full report on the subject, as well as detailed discussions with elderly and disabled groups and further deferment, was rejected.

Chairman of the social work committee Tim Brett believes the increased charges are fair and proper.

He said the Council’s policy provides safeguards which will protect the vulnerable and disabled, and ensures people will only pay what they can afford.

Cllr Brett added: “We’ve learned a lot from the introduction of this policy. Most importantly we now have a charging policy for social work that is fair and ensures that everyone who needs a service receives one regardless of their financial position.”