Carers’ Charity In Funding Warning

A major charity for carers and users of community care services in the Highlands has warned that it will close if local authority funding is withdrawn.

Highland Community Care Forum said support and advocacy services for older people, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities, carers and young carers would end if Highland Council went ahead with plans to withdraw funding of £150,000 at its budget meeting on Thursday. Up to 27 jobs would also go.

Since 2000, the charity has attracted an additional £1.13m of inward investment from independent charitable trusts and the lottery to Highland region. This year £227,267 of additional resources have been negotiated.

However, the charity says this money would have to be returned if the council cuts its core funding.

Caroline Thomson, vice-chairwoman of HCCF, said: “There has been no consultation and very little warning of the removal of our core budget. I hope that when councillors learn of the true extent of the proposals that they will look again at this silencing of the independent voice of users of community care services and their carers.”

However, Jean Urquhart, the vice-convener in the council’s Independent/SNP administration, said last night: “We will still be giving the HCCF money and this reduction would not be felt immediately, but in about six months.

“Having had a look and taken professional advice, the administration has decided that part of the service provided by HCCF can be more effectively delivered in other ways.”