Popular ‘E-learning’ Event Demystifies Technologies For The Social Service Sector
Over one hundred delegates will be present at the Glasgow Science Centre today to attend an innovative conference that aims to demystify some of the latest learning technologies. The event is being hosted by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education (SIESWE).
Delegates will hear from industry experts and take part in practical workshops that will include demonstrations on a range of technologies and assistance on developing cost efficient, accessible elearning solutions. Around 125 delegates will attend the free event, which also includes a technology based exhibition and free prize draw.
Carole Wilkinson, Chief Executive of the SSSC, commented: “As a national organisation that communicates with stakeholders in many different locations across Scotland, we’ve found that some of the latest technologies have helped us increase efficiency and save time and money.
“For example, we’ve communicated with stakeholders located in some very isolated locations, hundreds of miles from where we are based, by hosting live video conferences, and doing pod casts like we did for this event.
She added: “We want to share our knowledge of these technologies with the social service the sector and we hope today’s event can help achieve that.”
The elearning conference will begin with a presentation from founder and former Chief Executive of Epic Group plc, Donald Clark. Donald is a board member of the University of Industry, the Brighton Arts Festival, the Interactive University and South East Media Network.
“In the afternoon delegates will hear from Dawn Leader the Director and Founder of universities’ in Collaboration in e Learning (UCeL), University of Cambridge. The UCeL’s interactive workshops, where practitioners engage in hands-on content creation activities were devised by Dawn, and have been running to international acclaim since 2002.