Parent Alcohol Abuse Support Plea

Children with alcohol-abusing parents need the same level of services directed at families of drug-users, according to a new report.

It said a “cultural acceptance” of heavy drinking may be leading to delays in identifying the impact on children.

The study, by the Aberlour Child Care Trust and the Scottish Association of Alcohol and Drug Action Teams, said alcohol services needed to be improved.

It also called for more research and a campaign to raise awareness.

The authors of the report, A Matter of Substance? Alcohol or Drugs: Does it make a difference to the child?, said about 100,000 Scottish children were affected by parental alcohol abuse.

Aberlour’s chief executive, Addie Stevenson, said: “Tolerant attitudes towards alcohol are having a significant and sometimes devastating effect on children.

“While living with problem parental alcohol use may appear less stigmatising than living with problem parental drug use, for our children and young people, ignoring the impact on them, on parenting and on family life is like sticking our heads in the sand.

“If we are to really help today’s and tomorrow’s children we must work together and face the challenges raised in this report.”

Tom Wood, the chair of the Scottish Association of Alcohol and Drug Action Teams, said the next step was to change policy and practice.