New Moves To Promote Positive Reaction To Services For Homeless
Shelter Scotland, the housing and homelessness charity, is part of a new project to help head off community opposition to services for homeless people by promoting local involvement from the outset. The charity had identified that public perception of homelessness and homeless people has remained mixed, despite Scotland’s homelessness legislation being the most forward thinking in Western Europe.
Under the new scheme, which is supported by Communities Scotland, a practical toolkit, including a resource pack and training sessions, will be produced for organisations working on the front line.
The charity has has appointed community engagement specialists, Clear Plan UK, to help produce the toolkit, which is ultimately aimed at changing strong or negative reactions from members of the public.
Archie Stoddart, director Shelter Scotland, housing and homelessness charity, said the charity was committed to playing its part in addressing public attitudes. “Over the last few years, homelessness services have received greater attention than ever before. However, at the same time, public views about homelessness and homeless people remain mixed.
“Sometimes these reactions can be quite negative, particularly if accommodation for homeless people is being placed in a particular neighbourhood. As a result, several homeless initiatives have faced fierce opposition in recent years,” he said.
“We believe that part of the problem lies with stereotypes and sometimes prejudice. But we also know that community opposition can be well founded. Sometimes the development is not right for an area; sometimes the process of community engagement has been poor.
“We hope the resource pack, which is being developed over the coming year, will help to make the whole process much more positive for everyone involved and ensure we can build quality services in the right places for people who find themselves homeless.”
Over the next year, Clear Plan UK will be working on a resource pack and a series of training events that will bring together good practice and provide useful pointers for organisations working at the frontline. And as part of the process, Shelter and Clear Plan UK will be talking to professionals and communities who are, or who have been, affected by developments for homeless people.