Stroke Victim Hails Moray Support
A Woman who suffered a stroke, aged just 39, spoke yesterday about how a local support group had aided her recovery over the past year. As Different Strokes (DS) Moray celebrated its first birthday, Diane Ford, 44, told of the support and encouragement she received from other sufferers in the area.
The branch was set up a year ago for those under retirement age recovering from stroke.
Ms Ford said strokes are often seen as an affliction of old age, despite frequently striking people in the prime of life.
Stroke is the largest single cause of severe disability in the UK, affecting 10,000 people under the age of 55 each year – 1,000 of whom are under 30.
The group places the emphasis on self-help, and was established by a small group of stroke survivors who recognised the lack of support and shortage of relevant information for younger sufferers.
Ms Ford said at first there were just a few members, but over the months the Moray branch has gained great momentum.
A year in, they hold weekly meetings at the Elgin Community Centre, take part in regular horse riding outings, have hosted information stands and have presented to numerous groups across the area.
Ms Ford, who is now DS Moray co-ordinator, said: “We have come so far in such a short period of time, but there is still so much to do”.
Group member Mike Reid suffered a stroke, aged just 27.
His wife Anne, who is secretary of the club, said she was proud of everyone’s achievements over the past year.
Mrs Reid said: “No one can really realise the difficulty sufferers face from day to day, just walking and reaching their destination without a trip or fall.
“It really makes me quite proud to see them come on so well.”
Ms Ford said the branch could not have continued without the help of donations.
She said: “We hope that next year will be as good as the first, but we need more people to be aware of what we are trying to achieve and to give us as much support as they can.”
Anyone who would like to join, or can spare a few hours a week to help, can attend Elgin Community Centre on Tuesdays, from 1pm to 3pm.
Ms Ford also appealed for volunteers who can drive. Those who may be able to help should contact her on 01542 810268.