Pensioners Face Cut In Care As Council Struggles To Trim £10.5m Overspend

Pensioners in Aberdeen are to be scrutinised more closely to find out whether they qualify for help with basic chores such as cleaning and shopping under a new cost-cutting exercise.

They will be given non-personal care assistance only if they have “identified medical needs” – a rationalisation measure that the city council hopes will save it £250,000 this year.

The move is one of a raft of measures aimed at reining in a £10.5million overspend in the social work budget.

Demand for social work services in the city supersedes the resources budgeted for this year, resulting in officials drafting an action plan to address the issues.

Councillors discussed the proposals at a community services committee meeting yesterday.

It was attended by chief executive Douglas Paterson, who told committee members that the authority has “struggled for years” to contain its social work budget and it needed to get a grip on the situation.

He said external auditors had reported that the council’s budget position was precarious – a clear warning about the impact the situation would have on other budgets if money had to be moved around to make up shortfalls.

The measures agreed yesterday will help achieve £1million in new savings across health and care services, with implementation of previously agreed measures bringing a total reduction in this year’s spend to £1.7million.

Recommendations approved included reducing transport costs by 20%, which represents a saving of £50,000, and restricting discretionary payments to families – another £50,000 saving.

The amount spent on individual care packages for people in residential homes will be capped, saving the council £100,000.

Councillors also agreed that the number of agency staff used to deliver services should be cut back, saving £70,000.

Officials originally proposed withdrawing a £100,000 grant to Aberdeen Cyrenians but had a change of heart. The cash will be drawn from the housing budget instead.

Paul Hannan, the organisation’s chief executive, welcomed the news last night.

He said the loss of funding would have been a potential disaster.

“We were extremely worried about what the potential impact could have been on services so we are pleased that they (the council) have decided to take this route,” said Mr Hannan.

Councillors agreed that homelessness schemes in the city should be reviewed. It is understood they might be funded through social work and housing budgets in the future.

Mr Hannan added: “I am pleased the council has agreed to review the service, which means we have a chance to put across our case but there is still uncertainty for the future.”

Councillors agreed that a delegation should meet Scottish Executive ministers and civil servants to discuss the authority’s continuing financial problems.

The situation has led to the gradual exhaustion of its financial capacity to operate properly.

The council’s new chief social worker, Sandra Power, who has been in the job for two months, has been asked to produce another report on detailed service and financial plans which will include options for change, improved performance and long-term stabilised revenue for services.