Social Work Expert Costs Promise

Council chiefs in Dumfries and Galloway have promised to reveal the cost of employing a troubleshooter to tackle failings in social services. Independent adviser Stephen Wilds, with a proven track record in the field, has been given a six-month contract.

Councillors had expressed concern that the financial details of the deal were being kept under wraps.

Chief Executive Phil Jones promised the cost would be made public but warned that such experts were “not cheap”.

He said that the council’s human resources department had checked the “going rate” for such work.

A full report on the deal will be put before next month’s meeting of the education and community resources committee.

“There was no intention to hide it but I would say at the outset experts do not come cheap,” said Mr Jones.

“This is an expensive sort of facility that we need to take on. I will be looking for support from the executive for funding streams to help support this work.”

Dumfries and Galloway Council appointed Mr Wilds after a highly critical report of its social work services.

He is set to take up his post with the authority on 6 November.