ProjectScotland Trumps Target

ProjectScotland, the revolutionary new volunteering organisation which matches young Scots to full-time community work, celebrates its 1st anniversary on Monday 8th May.  
Over the year, the organisation has received thousands of enquiries from young people from all over Scotland and has placed more than 470 volunteers into full time positions – trumping the 450 target it was set by the Scottish Executive when it launched.

ProjectScotland is transforming the voluntary sector, with young Scots completing an incredible 350,000 hours of voluntary work in all walks of life – from arts and entertainment to the environment, social care, and sports.

Kate Mavor, Chief Executive at ProjectScotland comments: “From a standing start, we’ve built an incredibly strong foundation from which to make positive and lasting change to the lives of young Scots and the communities they live in.  We set out to change the image of voluntary work and make it more appealing and meaningful to young people.  We have already started to do this, with an unprecedented number of young people showing interest. We’re converting that interest, with hundreds of young people placed in full time volunteering positions throughout the country.

“But we couldn’t have achieved so much without the support of the voluntary sector.  In our first year we have forged partnerships with more than 140 voluntary organisations and together we are creating fantastic new and rewarding experiences that result in real change for the volunteers and the communities they are volunteering in.”

“Our aim is to increase the number of young Scots in our placements by more than 80% in the coming year, and we are seeking support from all corners of the country. We thank the First Minister and The Scottish Executive for their ongoing support, and also the corporate backing received from Scottish Power and HBOS among others. However, with the offer of £1.5m in match-funding available from the Scottish Executive for next year, we are asking the wider business community of Scotland to come forward and create valuable partnerships for change with us.”

For more information about volunteering opportunities or to find out how to partner with ProjectScotland visit or call 0131 226 0700.