Fatal accident inquiry expected to examine staffing at hospital where boy died

A fatal accident inquiry is expected to examine staffing levels at a children’s hospital where a toddler died and whether the fabric of the building contributed to his death.

The inquiry will look into the circumstances of the death of three-year-old Archie Donald at the Royal Hospital for Children, which is part of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital campus (pictured) in Glasgow.

Archie died on November 20, 2019 and a discretionary fatal accident inquiry (FAI) was announced by the Crown Office earlier this year.

A preliminary hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Wednesday heard a microbiologist will be called to give evidence about the built environment of the hospital and whether it contributed to the death, as well as paediatric consultants from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC).

A further preliminary hearing on July 16 will examine a joint minute of agreed evidence, and expert witnesses to be called.

Sheriff Joan Kerr said: “I want to begin today expressing condolences to Archie’s family. I’m sure myself and those involved in the inquiry will deal with matters in a dignified way.”

Fiscal depute Amanda Allan said: “It’s anticipated other evidence will be supplied in affidavit form. Perhaps one or two other clinicians who were working during the relevant period. I think NHSGGC may indicate other affidavits from members of hospital staff in terms of staffing on November 19 and 20.

“I wouldn’t anticipate those individuals would be called to give evidence.”

Sheriff Kerr said: “There’s only one question I would like you to address – whether the built hospital environment played a role in the infection. I know there’s an inquiry into the fabric of the building.”

Miss Allan said: “I anticipated questions into that. The expert in microbiology is asked that particular question, it may come up or be mentioned. In my office I’m in contact with individuals working on the other inquiry. They are content with that wording. It’s something the expert was asked to comment on.”

At the hearing it emerged NHS Lothian will also contribute to the inquiry.

Miss Allan said records had been received from that health board this week.

The FAI is due to begin on October 7 at Glasgow Sheriff Court and last a week.

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