Retired social worker sentenced for historical cruelty against children in her care

A former “house mother” who abused children in her care in the 1960s and 1970s has been sentenced to 300 hours of community service.

Retired social worker Euphemia Ramsay, 76, was last month found guilty of the cruel treatment of two children while she was employed at Quarriers Village (pictured) following a trial at Greenock Sheriff Court.

She was given a community service order for 300 hours of unpaid work when she returned to the court for sentencing on Monday, the Crown Office said.

The two victims were under her care while she was employed at Quarriers Village, a residential care facility in Renfrewshire, prosecutors said.

Ramsay, who now lives on the Isle of Man, was in charge of a specially-built cottage in the village, near Bridge of Weir.

She was known as “Auntie Effie” while she worked at the village, which looked after vulnerable children in an environment that was supposed to be “homely”.

Greenock Sheriff Court heard her abuse would go on to impact the lives of her now adult victims.

One man reported abuse which took place between 1969 and 1970, where he was around six at the time.

Now in his 50s, the man said Ms Ramsay would intentionally destroy his possessions and toys.

A woman told the court she faced cruel treatment from Ms Ramsay between 1972 and 1973, when she was aged between eight and 10.

Both victims said Ramsay would force-feed them, as well as used physical violence towards them and would hand out humiliating punishments for bed-wetting and for failing to finish meals.

A jury found Ramsay guilty of two charges of cruel and unnatural treatment towards the victims.

Procurator fiscal for north Strathclyde Peter McClelland said: “Euphemia Ramsay was trusted to provide care for children who had already experienced difficulties in their lives.

“Her mistreatment of these children may have happened some years ago but the victims have carried the pain into adulthood.

“I commend their courage in reporting the crimes perpetrated against them.

“At the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, we are determined that justice has no expiry date.

“I would urge any victims of similar offending, no matter how long ago, to come forward, report it and seek support.”

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