Ruth Davidson urged to confront PM over ‘rape clause’ welfare reform

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale has called on Ruth Davidson to confront the Prime Minister on the UK Government’s controversial “rape clause”.

The policy came into force last week as part of welfare reforms limiting claims for child tax credit and Universal Credit to the first two children.

An exemption which requires rape victims to prove their third child was born as a result of non-consensual sex or while in a coercive relationship in order to claim tax credits has become known as the “rape clause”.

Writing in the Daily Record, Ms Dugdale urged the Scottish Conservative leader to condemn the “horrifically cruel and uncaring policy”, and praised SNP MP Alison Thewliss for campaigning against it.

She wrote: “Alison Thewliss has led a powerful campaign against the heartless Tory Government on this crucial issue, and has secured cross-party support. I have nothing but praise for her tireless campaigning, and she has and will continue to receive the support of Labour MSPs and MPs in the hope of forcing the Tories into a U-turn.

“Ruth Davidson has been silent on this issue. So today I make a direct plea to her: stand up for rape victims and tell Theresa May she is wrong.

“You normally have the sharpest elbows when it comes to getting noticed, so don’t remain silent when it comes to standing up to your own party.”

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