NISCC hail success of Queens University social care conference

The Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) have hailed the success of their recent Best Practice: Better Outcomes conference on 7 March in Queens University’s Riddel Hall.

The conference, which was attended by 150 social care professionals, was a valuable opportunity for the sector to learn about good practice initiatives in a range of social care settings. The day enabled social care workers to take learning back to the workplace in order to improve the quality of life for service users.

The conference was opened by Jim Perry, Chair of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council. Jim’s personal experience as a carer for his daughter has motivated his involvement in his role with the Council.

“The contribution of our social care workers in Northern Ireland cannot be underestimated. I would like to thank them for all that they do for our communities and I’m glad we (NISCC) have the opportunity to support them through this conference and highlight the work they do, day in and day out.”

The programme included a keynote address by Colum Conway (CE, NISCC) and Glenn Houston (CE, RQIA). A range of workshop contributors from care settings across Northern Ireland illustrated best practice in social care. Contributors included: Derg Valley Care, The Cedar Foundation, Triangle Housing Association, Four Seasons Healthcare, Ulster University, RQIA and the Health and Social Care Trusts .

Colum Conway, Chief Executive, NISCC: “Social care workers have a key role to play in supporting people every day. Supporting and developing social care staff is what we believe will help the sector provide the high level of care we all want for our loved ones.”

Further downloads and presentations from the event will be available on the NISCC website shortly.

Picture (c) NISCC.