HSC Trust consults on dementia services in West Belfast

The Belfast HSC Trust is seeking feedback on proposed changes in how they look after people with dementia in west Belfast. The Trust is proposing to develop a new supported housing scheme for people living with dementia which will be located on the former site of Grovetree House.

Supported housing offers people with dementia who are no longer able to live safely in their own home, an alternative choice to live independently in the community. Each apartment will have a living area, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen as well as a private patio. The building will also offer a range of multi-purpose rooms for social activities and events.

The Trust aims to provide services which enable older people including those with dementia to live fuller lives. Evidence shows that supported housing offers people with dementia an improved quality of life and increase opportunity for independence.

The consultation process will last for 12 weeks from 8 June to 31 August 2015 and your views on the service changes is welcomed.

Click here to access the Consultation Documents