NI strategy team consult on social work job rotation

The Social Work Strategy team at Health & Social Care Services in Northern Ireland (HSCNI) is considering the concept of job rotation and how this could be used within social work.

It is proposed that in order to assess the viability of job rotation for social work that a 12 month pilot is implemented and evaluated within HSC Trusts which have yet to be decided.

It is envisaged that staff at practitioner (band 6) level will be asked to volunteer as participants and following the pilot period, individuals would rotate back to their original post. An evaluation of the experience of participants will be measured at intervals and analysed for learning and impact potential following the pilot testing period.

Job rotation is being explored for a number of reasons;

  •     To create opportunities for staff to develop and learn skills in different Social Work areas
  •     To aid in the recruitment and retention of staff
  •     To equip the workforce to deal with high-pressured roles

To initiate the pilot, the team needs to scope the level of interest in potential job rotation pilots. The information will be used to determine areas, both geographical and programme of care, where potential pilots could take place.

You are invited to take a 5 minutes survey here:

If you are keen to be involved with the Social Work Strategy, or would like further information contact the team here: