Belfast fostering service to host information sessions

Belfast Trust Fostering Service is holding a series of sessions for those who are interested in fostering or simply finding out more about fostering in general.

Fostering involves looking after a child who cannot live with their own parent(s) for a variety of possible reasons. Generally, fostering is for a limited period with the ultimate goal being that the child or young person will return home to their own family in the future.

Beverley Ringland, senior social worker at Belfast Trust Fostering Service says, “Belfast Trust Fostering Service wants to recruit people in the Belfast area who are caring, patient, resilient and flexible and have the time and space in their lives to devote to fostering.

January traditionally sees an increase in the number of people contacting Belfast Trust Fostering Service to find out more. There are a range of resources available including a comprehensive website, an information DVD and an information pack.

You can talk to Belfast Trust Fostering Service at any of the following:

  • Wednesday 21st January 10.00am – 6.00pm:  – Information stand at the Kennedy Centre, Belfast
  • Wednesday 28th January 6.30pm  –  8.00pm:  – Information evening at the Bradbury Health and Wellbeing Centre, Upper Lisburn Road – you can confirm attendance by contacting Diane Wilson on (028) 950 40057 or email [email protected]
  • Thursday 29th – Saturday 31st January – at each performance of the Belfast HSC Trust Pantomime, Knockbracken Healthcare Park

To find out more about fostering for Belfast HSC Trust visit: