Call to include NI boys home in Westminster abuse inquiry

Keith Vaz has called for activities at Kincora Boys home in east Belfast to be included in the Westminister inquiry which is being set up to examine how public institutions handled children in their care.

“I think it needs settling, it’s been around for so long,” Mr Vaz said.

The Labour MP said: “It’s caused so much concern to individual MPs from Northern Ireland that we need to once and for all deal with this problem.

“With a big inquiry such as the one that Theresa May has suggested, it’s important that it be included and that someone from Northern Ireland sits on the panel of experts.”

In 1981 three senior care staff at the home were jailed for abusing 11 boys but there have been persistent allegations that senior establishment figures visited the home to abuse boys and this was covered up.

Mr Vaz said he would speak to members of the and to political parties in Northern Ireland before making recommendations to David Cameron.

He said: “I think it’s important that we should get the support of everyone and then make it very clear to the Government that I do

There have been claims that senior politicians were linked to the sex abuse allegations.

Peter Saunders, the chief executive of Napac (National Association of People Abused in Childhood) also called for the inquiry to include Kincora.

He said the crimes at the east Belfast home had been “swept under the carpet for generations”.

“I cannot name names on live radio, but there are certainly names of the highest profile connected with these outrageous crimes.

“Files have been destroyed, there is no question of that, and in itself that indicates the very seriousness of this situation. The truth has to come out. If the truth doesn’t come out, then our children remain in danger for the future,” he said.

The call comes as a former Army captain said he is prepared to tell the official inquiry how attempts to expose child abuse at the home were blocked by MI5.

Colin Wallace says he and a number of other retired officers would be prepared to give evidence.