Consultation Period On Care Services Launched
The Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) officially launched the next phase of its Comprehensive Spending Review Consultation last week. The consultation will run for 12 weeks, closing at 4.00pm on 10th March 2009.
It is consulting on the proposals that have required a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), namely, on the Review of Residential Care Homes and Day Care Services for Older People. One of the Homes proposed for closure, by March 2010 is Drumhaw Residential Home in Lisnaskea.
The Trust is required to deliver efficiencies over the next three years, and its efficiency target over the period 2008–11 is £36 million across all its service areas.
Closure of Drumhaw will generate some of those savings, the money saved being diverted into keeping people in their own homes.
The Trust expects to reinvest some £36.2 million in earmarked areas such as this.
The Trust has carried out full EQIAs on its home/daycare closure proposals and now invites members of the public and all other interested parties to consider the reports in full and submit responses.
Information on the proposals and the Consultation and EQIA Report can be downloaded from the Western Trust’s website at: by clicking on ‘Involving You’ or by contacting the Equality and Human Rights Office.
Responses can be completed and returned via e-mail, fax or post by 4.00pm on Tuesday 10th March 2009 to: Margaret Coyle, Equality and Human Rights Administrative Officer, Equality and Human Rights Unit, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh BT79 0NS. Tel: 028 8283 5278; Fax: 028 8283 5804; text phone: 028 8283 5345 or email: [email protected]