FG Demands Dáil Debate On Alleged Cancer Cover-Up

Fine Gael is demanding a special Dáil debate on allegations of a possible cover-up of information relating to cancer services in Portlaoise.

A Dáil committee heard today that consultant Peter Naughton had written to then Health Minister Micheál Martin in 2002 about problems with cancer services at Midland Regional Hospital.

However, the Department of Health later claimed it knew nothing about the letter.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny told the Dáil today the truth of the matter must be established.

“If somebody removed or covered up or altered or dictated that that file and all its evidence not be presented in the face of the Freedom of Information Act and a request here by Deputy Reilly in the Dáil, that’s an absolutely scandalous and disgraceful position,” he said.