Pay Rise For Nurses Gets Go-Ahead
Nurses in Northern Ireland are to receive the full pay award recommended by the Independent Pay Review Body. The move means that nurses and midwives will receive a 2.5% increase back-dated from 1 April.
Health Minister Michael McGimpsey said all key workers in “the wider health service team” would also receive the recommended increase.
“This pay rise is fully deserved and goes some way towards demonstrating how our health service is valued,” he said.
Mr McGimpsey said he was on record as saying he believed that nurses “deserved to have their pay in full”.
“I met with the RCN (Royal College of Nursing) and other unions and left them in no doubt that I would take all steps possible to make good on their pay award,” he said.
“For pay reviews to be credible, employees have to have the confidence in the system and in its outcome.
“Following consultation with my colleague at the Department of Finance and Personnel, Peter Robinson, I am now able to make good on the arrangement for paying our nurses in Northern Ireland.”
The minister said the pay rise would also be awarded to administrative and clerical staff “as well as other support services”.
“They are all important, and it would not be proper for me to consider the pay of just one group,” he said.
“The additional cost will be managed within the Health and Social Services budget.
“This pay rise is fully deserved and goes some way towards demonstrating how our health service is valued.”