Two men face jail for sexually abusing twelve teenage girls

Two men who sexually exploited 12 teenage girls in a seaside town are facing jail after being found guilty of a catalogue of offences.

Osman Koroma (left), 31, and Max N’Gasa (right), 25, groomed girls who hung out at a parade of shops and went on to demand sex acts in return for buying them cigarettes and alcohol.

The pair were found guilty of 18 offences, including rape, against 12 girls aged 13 to 15 over a four-year period from 2010 in Littlehampton, West Sussex.

Detectives said the pair brainwashed some of the girls into thinking they were in relationships with them, despite the large age gaps.

When the men were arrested, they feigned ignorance, insisting they had never met the girls. Their position meant victims were forced to re-live their ordeals at trial.

At Lewes Crown Court, following a six-week trial, labourer Koroma was convicted of eight offences against five girls, including rape, sexual assault and sexual activity with a child, Sussex Police said.

N’Gasa, a gardener, was found guilty of 10 offences against seven girls. The offences included two counts of rape and eight of sexual activity with a child.

The pair were arrested on March 12 last year and charged the following October following an intelligence-led child sexual exploitation probe by safeguarding investigators.

Detective Chief Inspector Miles Ockwell, of Sussex Police, said following conviction: “Both men befriended young schoolgirls who would frequent the shopping parade, groomed them and ultimately exploited them by requesting sexual acts in return for purchasing cigarettes and alcohol on their behalf.

“Some of the victims knew each other, but others did not, as this offending went on with numerous children over four years.”

Koroma, of Norton Road, Hove, East Sussex, and N’Gasa, of Cranmer Avenue, Hove, were remanded in custody to face sentencing at the same court on June 7.

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