Man facing jail for stabbing to death ex-girlfriend and partner at care home

A 51-year-old man is facing years behind bars for stabbing to death his ex-girlfriend and her new partner at the care home where they all lived.

Paul Mallin (pictured) had denied murdering Karen Reid, 53, and John Down, 86, at the Fernways sheltered housing unit in Ilford, north-east London, on September 5 last year.

The defendant, who lived at the unit in Cecil Road, had faced trial this week despite pleading guilty to manslaughter on January 4.

But on Tuesday, prosecutor Riel Karmy-Jones QC accepted his plea after referring the case to a “high level” following reports on Mallin’s mental state which suggested there was a case for diminished responsibility.

She said: “In those circumstances the prosecution take the view that there is no longer a realistic prospect of conviction on the counts of murder and it is right for those counts to be withdrawn.”

Judge Richard Marks QC agreed that the decision was “entirely proper and appropriate”.

The Common Serjeant of London remanded Mallin in custody at Belmarsh prison ahead of sentencing on a date to be fixed pending reports on his potential risk to the public.

There are various options for sentence, including an indefinite jail term or a hospital order, and the judge added: “Underlying all that is the issue of dangerousness and which disposal adequately punishes but also adequately protects the public in the future.”

The defendant, dressed in a pale woollen jumper and grey jogging bottoms, sat hunched in the dock with his head bowed throughout the short hearing.

The judge told him: “You have pleaded guilty to two extremely serious offences and one way or another whether in prison or hospital you are likely to be detained for a considerable amount of time.”

Members of both victims’ families attended the Old Bailey and were praised by the judge and prosecutor for accepting the decision to drop the murder charges with dignity.

Judge Marks told them: “Miss Karmy-Jones told me a few moments ago that you had approached and dealt with the matter which she discussed with you with great dignity, grace and propriety and that is very much to your credit.

“This has obviously been a traumatic set of events to all concerned.”

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