Harsh employment conditions impacting social worker mental health

The mental health of social workers is being put at risk amid a harsh employment environment characterised by rising caseloads and excessively long hours.

That was the warning from Bridget Robb in her capacity as General Secretary of the Social Workers Union.

Speaking at the union’s annual general meeting, Ms Robb said social workers had seen real-term reduction to wages while public sector cuts and job losses had resulted in increased work.

“We have seen the rising caseloads – and the excessively long hours members are having to work to stay on top of the workloads.

“We have seen the harsher employment climate of members under more stress, harsher sanctions being taken more quickly, and increased mental ill-health.”

Ms Robb said the union has helped to lobby for better treatment of staff across the four countries of the UK and joined protests against public sector cutbacks.