Mencap manifesto calls for end to learning disability discrimination

A new campaign urging politicians to wake up to learning disability as an election issue is being launched this week by Mencap.

The charity says a new public opinion poll has highlighted an overwhelming majority of people (90%) feel the need for the government to take urgent action to tackle learning disability discrimination and exclusion.

The Populus poll also revealed that 8 in 10 Brits deem real-life experiences where people with a learning disability are commonly discriminated against as ‘unacceptable’. These are everyday experiences reported to Mencap on a daily basis, such as being a victim of violent hate crime or being illegally excluded from school.

The poll marks the launch of Mencap’s ‘Hear My Voice’ campaign, which has given rise to a manifesto that presents 6 key issues identified by people with a learning disability and their families that they want to see the next government act on. These issues include healthcare, hate crime and education.

Speaking on the launch of the campaign, Jan Tregelles, Chief Executive of Mencap, said: “This is a landmark moment for learning disability. Our poll shows that people with a learning disability and their families have the overwhelming support of the British public, who believe they should have the same chances in life as anybody else.

“We hope that Hear my voice – our campaign to empower people with a learning disability to talk to candidates who are standing for election about the issues that are most important to them – will help increase awareness of what needs to change. There is public demand to bring about this change – candidates must listen.”

The campaign aims to ensure the next government addresses the issues facing the 1.4 million people with a learning disability in the UK and provide a platform for people to speak up about learning disability issues.

Mencap will be launching the manifesto to MPs and candidates at the House of Commons this Wednesday.

To download the Mencap Manifesto, visit: