CAFCASS social worker suspended for misconduct

Social worker Carole Diane Hobson has been suspended from the HCPC Register for breaching confidentiality, keeping inadequate records and failing to take timely action whilst working as a Family Court Adviser for CAFCASS.

A panel of the HCPC Conduct and Competence Committee heard that Carole Diane Hobson sent emails containing confidential case information to solicitors who were assisting her with her employment issues, and who had nothing to do with any CAFCASS cases. She also sent confidential case information to her personal email address.

The Panel further heard that Carole Diane Hobson failed to complete case plans for approximately 15 cases and did not update the plans in others.

Panel Chair Alexander Yule commented: “The registrant accepted early on in the CAFCASS investigation that she should not have sent confidential information to her solicitors’ firm and she ensured that that information was returned to CAFCASS. This demonstrates to some extent a degree of insight. However, the registrant, in her written submissions, fails to accept any responsibility for her shortcomings.

“The Panel were particularly concerned about the registrant’s lack of insight into the impact of her actions upon service users by allowing care plans to drift with no time scales being adhered to and she does not take personal responsibility for her own practice.”

The Panel decided the most appropriate action was to suspend Carole Diane Hobson from the Register for a period of twelve months with an Interim Suspension Order in place to cover the appeal period.

Carole Diane Hobson was not present or represented at the hearing.