Care data leaflets being sent out to all English households

NHS England has confirmed millions of English homes will be sent information on its plans to use patient information this week.

Over the next month, some 26.5m addresses in England will get Better Information Means Better Care – a special booklet explaining the benefits of sharing information about the care they have received. (Delivery is to be staggered, with households in the North of England getting the guidelines this week, with the rest of England to follow over the course of January.)

NHS England says that one of the great strengths of the NHS is that it treats millions of patients every week but that “modern data techniques” also now allows it to analyse the characteristics of all those patients, their treatments and experiences “to help us improve the quality of care for all.”

“The NHS has been collecting information like this from hospitals for decades but until now we?ve been missing information about the quality of care provided outside hospital,” points out Dr Geraint Lewis, Chief Data Officer at NHS England.

“This initiative is about upgrading our information systems to get a more complete picture of the quality of care being delivered across all parts of the NHS and social care.”

Seeking to address concerns

NHS England says the leaflets will explain all this but also help dispel concerns about patient information getting into the wrong hands.

“We want everyone to feel confident that their information is kept private and used in non-identifiable form to improve the quality of health and social care for everyone,” comments Dr Mark Davies, Medical Director at the Health and Social Care Information Centre, the body set up to collect the data.

“Equally important is that everyone knows that they have a choice and can raise an objection by simply talking to their GP.”

The leaflet sets out, therefore, how patients have the right to object to their data being used for purposes other than their direct care.

It also explains that if anyone wishes to restrict their data being used, they can talk to their GP.

It also details the special help line set up for patients to call if they have any questions or concerns (the number: 0300 456 3531).

“GPs understand the importance of sharing information appropriately both as part of delivering clinical care and for wider uses, such as research and for planning NHS services,” adds Dr Imran Rafi, Chair of the Clinical Innovation and Research Centre at the Royal College of General Practitioners.

“It is important that patients understand how the NHS uses and shares their information, and that they feel they have been given a proper choice to participate.

“The spin-off is the potential for all NHS patients to benefit.”