Damning report on Rosedale Manor care home in Crewe
A new report has revealed a catalogue of failings at a Crewe care home, with inspectors raising ‘significant’ concerns about residents’ wellbeing.
The Care Quality Commission has issued Rosedale Manor Care Home with five formal warnings to improve after inspectors found it to be failing to meet all five of the national care standards during a recent visit.
Some of the most damning incidents witnessed by inspectors included a resident who, despite continually begging for help, was ignored by staff for more than 25 minutes, and another who was spoken to in a ‘challenging and aggressive’ manner by a carer.
They also discovered that a resident had been able to leave the building unattended and was found a considerable distance away, and raised concerns about one person’s hydration and how another’s welfare was being managed at the home.
In addition, they found that one resident had alleged physical abuse by a member of staff – the very same member of staff who then carried out the investigation into the incident.
Rosedale, run by Four Seasons 2000 Limited, provides care and accommodation for people with severe and enduring mental health needs as well as people with dementia and older people.
It was previously visited by inspectors in June and when inspectors returned unannounced in October they found staff had not acted on the required improvements.
Inspectors reviewed a sample of care and treatment records, observed how care was being delivered, and spoke with people living in the home and their relatives as well as members of staff. As a result they found that improvements were required in a number of areas.
They found that the planning and delivery of care did not always meet people’s individual needs and that the administration of medicines was poorly managed.
Medicines that had been administered to people were not always recorded properly and it was not clear whether residents were receiving their medicines as prescribed.
In addition, inspectors found that incidents had occurred at the home but had not been properly reported to CQC in line with official safeguarding procedures.
The processes in place to monitor care quality were also found to be limited and although monthly audits were being carried out, there was a lack of systems in place to manage risks or improve the service by learning from incidents or errors.
Care records reviewed by inspectors were inconsistent, lacked detail and in some cases illegible.
By law, providers of care services must ensure that they are meeting all standards.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is now taking action to protect the safety and welfare of people living in the care home and is liaising closely with Cheshire East Council.
Malcolm Bower-Brown, CQC’s regional director for the north, said: “The failings at Rosedale Manor Care Home are unacceptable. We have told the provider very clearly where improvements must be made and will return, unannounced, to ensure these have been achieved.
“In the meantime, we continue to monitor the home very closely, liaising with local commissioners to ensure residents receive the service they are entitled to expect.”
Any regulatory decision that CQC takes is open to challenge by a registered person through a variety of internal and external appeal processes.
A spokesman for Four Seasons 2000 Limited said: “We deeply regret that the quality of care being delivered at Rosedale Manor Care Home fell below the standards we expect to deliver.
“Following the inspection, we have made changes to strengthen our management structure and have put in place a comprehensive improvement plan to ensure that our policies and procedures designed to ensure quality of care are followed correctly.
“The quality assurance manager for our group is closely supporting the improvement process. We are also working closely with the CQC and the social services team to turn around the performance of the home as speedily as possible.”
The full inspectors’ report can be found at www.cqc.org.uk/directory/1-130831487