Information Service for Parents hits 200,000 subscribers

A service which provides subscribers with up to date information on pregnancy, child development, child health and parent health, now has more than 200,000 subscribers, the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) shows.   
The Government launched the Information Service for Parents (ISP) in May 2012 to enable parents-to-be and new parents to sign up to receive regular free emails, videos and SMS messages offering high quality NHS advice and information to parents based on the stage of pregnancy or the age of the child.

The ISP is accessible on the NHS Choices website and provides users with a wide scope of information on topics such as the early stages of pregnancy and preparation for birth through to healthy child development, the health of the parent and choosing childcare.

Feedback surveys have shown that nine out of 10 ISP users would recommend this service.

Current ISP users have commented on how beneficial they have found the service for example, “(the ISP) contains both medical facts and tips that can be trusted as well as emotional help that the other sites give” and “I like the fact they are tailored to my exact situation (week by week update on my pregnancy).”

The ISP has proven to be a popular information source for parents and can be accessed at