Council adult social care-rating website goes live

A website allowing people to compare local adult social care services has been launched by care and support minister Norman Lamb today.
The Adult Social Care Outcomes site brings together existing data into one location to allow service users to find out more about care services in their council area, and compare options.

On the website, individuals can select their local authority, or type in a postcode, to find out how carers and service users rate local services. Ratings cover areas including quality of life, satisfaction with services, and safety.

Lamb said the Department of Health had worked with the Health and Social Care Information Centre to launch the search tool.

‘We want people to be able to hold their council to account if it fails to deliver good results from adult social care services, such as helping people to live independently or giving them genuine choice and control over their care and support. This online tool will provide people with the information they need to do this in a clear, accessible format.

‘We want everyone to get better care and I hope this website will help to drive improvement across all local authorities so that this is a reality.’

The data is based on HSCIC data from 2012/13. It will be updated as new information becomes available, with provisional data for 2013/14 expected to be available from next summer.

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