Thousands of dementia sufferers threatened with restraint

Thousands of elderly people with dementia have been threatened with restraint using new safeguards which are supposed to protect the vulnerable.
Figures show that almost 12,000 legal applications were made in 2012/13 to deprive people who lack mental capacity freedoms, such as locking them in rooms, forcibly giving them medication or preventing them from seeing visitors.

Deprivation of liberty safeguards (Dols) were introduced in 2009, in an attempt to end the scandal of dementia patients being locked up and restrained without justification.

The statistics show the number of safeguards requested has risen by 66 per cent in three years, with more than half involving dementia sufferers.

Last week MPs raised concerns that the rules were being used wrongly, leaving the most vulnerable at risk of abuse.

Investigations have found that thousands of elderly people in care homes and hospitals have been subjected to “blanket restrictions” such as locked doors on wards and day rooms, to make life easier for staff.

A report by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) says that almost half of the applications made in 2011/12 were refused, suggesting that staff have been too heavy-handed in wanting to apply unnecessary restrictions.

The laws mean care workers should only restrict the liberty of the most vulnerable if authorities agree that it is required to protect them.

Last week MPs warned that Dols are often used incorrectly.

The Health Select Committee said: “The evidence the committee heard regarding the application of Dols revealed a profoundly depressing and complacent approach to the matter.

“There is extreme variation in their use and we are concerned that some of the most vulnerable members of society may be exposed to abuse because the legislation has failed to implement controls to properly protect them.”

Councils and local health authorities can approve placing restraints or restrictions on people who are deemed to lack the mental capacity to consent to their care or treatment. They include those with dementia or a learning disability.

Dols aim to make sure that people in care homes and hospitals are looked after in a way that does not inappropriately restrict their freedom.

They should ensure that a care home or hospital only deprives someone of their liberty in a safe way, and when there is no other way to look after them.