Council social workers acted ‘unfairly’ in taking baby girl from parents

A couple were left ‘helpless’ after their gravely ill one-year-old was taken from them by Surrey County Council on the basis of ‘wholly improbable’ fears.
The High Court heard on Wednesday, one of the parents was accused of putting their daughter at risk by cutting a tube that was part of her ventilation equipment.

Judge Lucy Theis said Surrey County Council social workers enlisted police support in the girl’s ‘peremptory’ removal, giving her parents ‘no choice’ but to comply.

 The couple lived without their daughter for almost six months while social workers mulled concerns the parents ‘fabricated’ or ‘induced’ some of her medical problems.

After paying tribute to the ‘enormous fortitude’ of the couple, Judge Theis opened the way for the girl’s return home.

The girl, born with medical conditions, is dependent on a ventilator and has to be fed with a gastrostomy tube. Neither she nor her parents can be named for legal reasons.

After she was born, her parents were trained in how to look after her before being allowed to take her home

Concerns were raised about their care – including claims they were ‘escalating’ and ‘over-reacting to’ minor medical problems and the mother failed to ‘maintain professional boundaries’ with carers.

After nine days of argument and 22 witnesses, Judge Theis said claims against the parents were not borne out by the evidence and issues had been ‘misunderstood’ by social workers.

Judge Theis told the High Court: “Regrettably, the evidence points to a feeding frenzy of misrepresented and incomplete information that, adopting the terminology used against the parents, escalated out of control.”

The council accepted steps taken that evening ‘cannot be justified’.

Judge Theis said: “The peremptory removal of the girl from her parents’ care was achieved through an unfair process whereby the local authority held all the cards and the parents had no choice but to ‘agree’ in circumstances where they had no choice.”

The parents, she added, were given no access to legal advice and were ‘powerless’ to challenge the council’s actions.

Pinpointing a ‘lack of effective leadership in the local authority’, the judge said breakdowns in communication between professionals and changes from one social work team to another did not help.

Judge Theis said: “The parents showed enormous fortitude. The events of the last two years must have been extremely difficult. They had to cope with being told, soon after their daughter’s birth, she had only a five per cent chance of survival.”

She added: “During this hearing, they have quietly and attentively sat through evidence whilst each part of theirs and their daughter’s lives has been picked over.

“It is clear to me they have only been able to do so through their devotion to their daughter, which is without question.”

The council withdrew its application for a permanent care order towards the end of the trial.

Judge Theis said she trusted the ‘energies and resources’ lavished on fighting the case would be diverted to restoring the girl to her parents’ care.