Bedfordshire care home worker ‘swept around’ collapsed man

An 86-year-old care home resident was left on the floor for an hour calling “help me” while a care worker swept around him, a jury has heard.
Albert Riches’s treatment at The Limes Home in Henlow, Bedfordshire, was captured on secretly installed CCTV, Luton Crown Court was told.

Jackie Ndoro, 38, of Bodmin Road, Luton, denies neglect of a person who lacks capacity on 22 June 2011.

Her fellow worker that night did not answer police bail and is wanted.

Prosecutor Isabel Delamere said Mr Riches, who had Alzheimer’s, “lacked capability” and “had become prone to falling over following mini strokes”.

The jury was told The Limes, which houses 23 residents, is owned by Joan Wilkinson and managed by her son Kevin.

Ms Ndoro and her colleague were first employed as agency staff and then were taken on full-time, covering the night shift.

‘Resting her eyes’

Ms Delamere said CCTV cameras were installed in the lounge to “keep tabs” after “it became clear to Mr Wilkinson that after the night shift was over the area was not as clean and tidy as it should be”.

“There was a smell of urine and seemed to be a lack of bedding,” she added.

The court heard that on the night of 22 June, Mr Riches was seen to fall on the floor.

Ms Delamere said: “He was heard to say, ‘Help me’ and groan. He was unable to right himself.

“The other woman did nothing to help him and tapped his leg. She swept her broom around him.”

The prosecutor told the jury Mr Riches was on the floor for an hour before the women pulled him up by the scruff of the neck, “dumped him on a wheelchair” and the 86-year-old was heard to say “I am sorry”.

The court also heard that Ms Ndoro sat down and after doing some paperwork “her feet were up and she was sleeping under a blanket between 01:00 and 05:00 BST”.

Ms Delamere added that when Mr Wilkinson interviewed Ms Ndoro the next day, she said she had only been “resting her eyes”.

Both women were dismissed for gross misconduct.

The trial continues continues.