Rise in Manchester kids on abuse risk list

There has been a 23 per cent rise in Manchester youngsters on child protection plans in the past year, according to an internal report.
It mirrors a steep annual increase in the number of initial safeguarding referrals to the city’s social services.

One factor being considered is raised public awareness following a string of high profile sex cases, including the Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall and Rochdale grooming scandals.

A senior council insider said: “When someone gets the confidence to come forward, that encourages others to do the same.

“The publicity has been huge – in a way it’s a good thing. As a society we are looking at how we can make sure we can help people.”

Last year 787 Manchester children were subject to a protection plan – put in place by social services to protect  youngsters ‘at risk’ from abuse or neglect – compared to 635 the year before.

That followed 10,073 referrals to the council’s social services department by both members of the public and professionals over a range of child safety concerns, including – but not limited to – suspected sexual abuse.

That compares to 8,866 in the previous year, an increase of around 13pc.

Insiders insist it mirrors a national trend, pointing to the economic downturn, welfare cuts and a ‘general climate of raised awareness’.

Bernadette Oxley, NSPCC regional head of service for the north west, agreed the increase fitted with a national picture.

She added: “There is no reason to believe that Manchester would see more or fewer cases of child abuse than elsewhere.

“Public awareness of child abuse has increased through the work charities such as ourselves undertake and the media coverage of high-profile child abuse cases.”

An internal council report updating councillors on safeguarding issues said children’s services are trying to work more closely with other agencies – as well as intervening earlier – to reduce demand.

A council spokesman said: “The increase in the number of safeguarding referrals reflects a national upward trend.

“There is research going on nationally to understand the reasons behind this and we are also doing further work to understand the local picture.”

Anyone with concerns about a child or young person can ring the NSPCC 24 hours a day on 0808 800 5000.