College publishes Code of Ethics for social workers

The College of Social Work has published a Code of Ethics for its members that sets out the principles that social workers in England are expected to put into practice.

Its purpose is to clarify the values that underpin social work and it supports The College’s objective of upholding the highest possible professional practice standards.

College Chair Jo Cleary said: “I am delighted to announce the publication of our Code of Ethics. Our code encompasses protecting the rights, interests and independence of people who use social work services, promoting social justice, and taking a compassionate approach to social issues. The code is written so as to make clear the link between the many valuable skills that social workers use when helping the communities they serve and the value base that guides how they use those skills.”

Social workers are already signed up to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics, which is a generic code setting out a basic set of standards for all sixteen professions regulated by the HCPC. In launching its own code, drawn up after consultation with its members, The College is giving recognition to the importance of social workers having a Code of Ethics which relates specifically to their profession.

Accountability of the profession to people who use social work services was a key priority in the creation of the new code. In producing the document The College drew on the principles within similar codes produced by other professional colleges and social work organisations. College members  were consulted on the draft and the final document incorporates their feedback.

Jo Cleary said: “The HCPC code is a sound basic standard for health and social care workers, but it is crucial that social workers have their own dedicated code of ethics, and so this is what we have created in consultation with social workers from a wide range of practice backgrounds.”

To read the Code of Ethics, visit: Code of Ethics.pdf