New research shows massive economic benefits from providing social care to disabled people
Five leading charities have revealed that investing in social care prevents disabled people falling into crisis and, as a result, leads to substantial economic benefits.
- Every pound spent on preventative and community services generates benefits to people, carers, local and central Government worth an average of at least £1.30.
- Spending review ‘perfect opportunity’ to plug gap in social care funding, say five major disability charities
The in-depth study (PDF) conducted independently by Deloitte establishes that every £1 spent on services like support in the community, housing and communication support generates benefits to people, carers, local and central government worth an average of £1.30.
The study comes as the social care crisis debate about who gets care and how it’s funded continues to make the headlines, with the government’s Care Bill being scrutinised in Parliament.
The experts analysed four distinct services used by disabled people who need a lower level of care – which is often just a few hours a week and could be help with budgeting and timekeeping.
Totalling up the costs in comparison to the benefits and savings, the ‘returns’ ranged from 18% to 53%. Modelling those findings nationally produces benefits to the Exchequer, local health and care commissioners and individuals of at least 30%.
The benefits come from preventing people’s needs escalating and relying on more costly public services. Advice and support for everyday activities from budgeting and communication to help in the home increases quality of life and engagement with society. Reduced dependency on family members and carers can enable them to return to employment.
The research – Ending the Other Care Crisis: Making the case for investment in preventative care and support for disabled adults – was commissioned by Leonard Cheshire Disability, Mencap, the National Autistic Society, Scope and Sense. The charities warn that these benefits to the individual and society will be lost if the government sets the bar on who receives care too high.
Earlier this year, the same five charities lifted the lid on the scale of the crisis, revealing that care for disabled people was underfunded by £1.2 billion.
They found that more than 100,000 disabled people will be left without essential support to get up, get dressed and get out of the house if the government fails to underpin its social care reform by making sure all those who need support get it, and then back that up with an injection of funding.
Clare Pelham, chief executive of Leonard Cheshire Disability, said: ‘This report shows the devastating consequences – not only financial but human – of disabled people being denied the care and support they need. It shows clearly that “scrimping” on care – as well as being morally wrong – does not even save money in the long run, and may end up costing the taxpayer a lot more.
‘At the moment, thousands of disabled people are being forced to go through life without support to carry out essential tasks like washing, dressing, eating and getting up in the morning. No-one in this day and age should have to live like this.
‘We are calling on the government to make sure that enough funding is put in place for all disabled people to be given the vital support they need. In an age of austerity every penny of our taxes should go to those who need it most.’
Simon Parkinson, director of external relations and communities at learning disability charity Mencap, said: ‘The right care and support can transform the lives of people with a disability and their families, providing them with opportunities to be independent and active members of society.
‘But if the threshold for care is set too high, over 100,000 disabled people could be forced to go without the care and support they rely on to meet even their basic needs, such as help to eat, wash or get dressed.
‘We can’t afford to take away this right. Failing to meet people’s needs will not only have a hugely negative impact on the welfare of disabled people and their families, but also wider financial implications for the taxpayer in the long run.’
Mark Lever, chief executive of the National Autistic Society, said: ‘The financial case is crystal clear: the government must act now to address the inherent flaws in the social care system and ensure people with autism and other disabilities receive the support they desperately need.
‘Currently many people with autism miss out on this support as their difficulties aren’t recognized; in most cases eligibility criteria are set too high and assessors lack the training in the disability they need to understand its daily impact.
‘As a result many people with autism can eventually plunge into crisis, meaning they require very expensive and intensive support. This could be easily averted if simple and relatively low-cost options are put in place in the first instance, such as befriending services or social skills training. This would not only benefit the public purse but also have a tremendous human impact, transforming the lives of thousands of people for the better.’
Richard Hawkes, chief executive of the disability charity Scope, said: ‘The social care system is in crisis. We already know the human benefits of ensuring people get the support to live independently in the community. Now we know the economic benefits too.
‘We need a bold response from the government.
‘This research presents indisputable evidence that the proper funding of social care prevents disabled people getting into crisis and makes good economic sense.
‘Right now a rationing of care means disabled people have to reach crisis point before they get basic support, and this is needlessly costing the UK economy at a time when there isn’t a penny to spare.
‘The Care Bill could still deliver a care system that we can be proud of. But the plans are fatally undermined by the possibility of the threshold being set too high, and a critical lack of funding. A cap on costs, national eligibility, better integration of health and care are positive moves but they will mean nothing for the 100,000 disabled people pushed out of the system.
‘If the government genuinely wants to deliver a fit and proper social care system that prevents disabled people from reaching crisis, it needs to ensure eligibility is set at the right level, and there is an emergency injection of funding that is guaranteed to reach frontline services.’
Richard Kramer, deputy chief executive at Sense, said: ‘This report highlights the damaging consequences of providing inadequate social care to people with disabilities as well as the true financial costs. Cutting corners with care will not save the tax payer money; instead it will result in additional costs at a later stage and continue to have a devastating impact on the lives of disabled people.
‘At Sense we know that deafblind people often have complex and diverse needs and these needs must be recognised by the social care system. Ultimately providing good care saves money and makes a huge and long-lasting difference to the lives of those with disabilities and their families and carers.’