Redhill-based charity hit by funding cuts appeals for help
An East Surrey charity offering support and friendship to families in need is appealing for fundraising help after being hit by cuts in council grants.
Home-Start East Surrey, based in Redhill, is appealing to the local community to hold fundraising events for it, to enable it to continue its work.
Set up 18 years ago and guided and supported by the national organisation, Home-Start UK, the local scheme believes that every family is special and that every child deserves the best start in life. The cause offers non-judgemental, practical and emotional support, assistance and friendship to parents with young children in Redhill, Reigate, Horley, Oxted, Tandridge, Bletchingley and the surrounding areas, to help build family confidence and the ability to cope with the challenges of life.
Families with children under five who are undergoing stress and difficulty for a variety of reasons such as coping with a disabled child, terminal illness, bereavement, multiple births, mental health issues or financial problems, are referred to Home-Start for assistance. They are then matched with volunteers who are parents themselves and have a wide range of experiences to share.
The cause aims to fill the gap in the help that the health and social services provide.
Jo Edna Corbyn of Home-Start East Surrey said: “Funding is provided by the Surrey County Council, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council and Tandridge District Council. “The charity is experiencing a decrease in funding to run training courses for volunteers to visit the families they support in their own homes, or to take them on outings or playgroups.”
She continued: “The increasing need for funding is accentuated by the fact that the funding situation is often tenuous and uncertain.
“Financial support is needed more than ever as statutory funding becomes less available.”
The charity is hoping people in the area will help support it by organising aid events.
Recently, opera singer Mark Hamilton, former principal tenor with the Welsh National Opera, gave his support to the cause, performing at an Italian Evening at Bletchingley Golf Club.
The event, attended by Home-Start’s friends and supporters including Surrey County Councillors Sally Marks and Nick Skellett, raised £3,200.
As well as fundraising, the cause is appealing for more volunteers and trustees, and is also looking to recruit a treasurer.
Donations can be made at: [email protected], at Home-Start East Surrey, Suite 2 Second Floor, Tower House, 3 Cromwell Road, Redhill, RH1 1RT, or by calling 01737 770220.