Untouchable ex-town hall bosses may never face any action over abuse scandal

Former council bosses who failed to act to stop young people being sexually exploited may never face any action against them.

Current Rochdale council chief executive Jim Taylor said while they had been able to report social workers to their industry body for sanctions, there was no such group to refer senior managers to.

It comes after a highly critical report revealed the failure to tackle child sexual exploitation (CSE) stretched all the way to top of the council, and not just to front line workers who dismissed victims as making life choices.

Thirteen social workers have been reported to the Health and Care Practitioners Council (HCPC) for not intervening sooner to stop youngsters being exploited.

But current chief executive Jim Taylor said there was little action they could take against former senior leaders who were identified in the report for failing to grasp the serious and scale of CSE in the borough.

They include former chief exec Roger Ellis, who the report heard evidence from witnesses who said he ‘did not appear to be interested in children’s social care issues’.

Because Mr Ellis and other senior leaders have left, the council cannot take any internal action either.

His replacement, Mr Taylor, said: “Anybody who we have referred, at any level in the organisation, who is a registered social worker, has been reported.

“There will be people who are not registered social workers who have left the organisation who we are unable to refer.

“I can’t stop people leaving the authority, but what I can do is make any evidence available to any organisation willing to take it forward.

“The option we have is the HCPC and that is what we have tried to do.”

Of those social workers that have been referred to the HCPC, eight are ex employees and five are current staff, who have been suspended pending an investigation into their conduct.

Mr Taylor said the report, released last week, revealed council bosses failed to take CSE seriously.

He said: “I believe the first responsibility we have in local government is to protect the most vulnerable, and it is clear from the independent review that this authority fell short in its duty to some children and young people.

“As chief executive I want to say how profoundly sorry I am for that.

“This is a damning report and it lays bare some ineffective relationships that existed in this authority for many years.

“The report reveals how some senior leaders did not demonstrate effective leadership in CSE or display an adequate level of responsibility.

“The disconnect between senior managers meant the right questions were not asked at the right time.

“It is clear this council should have acted sooner to increase its knowledge of CSE and act accordingly.”

He added he was confident the changes the council had made meant children were now safer.