Tears as 43 lose care firm jobs
AN Oldham firm providing care in patients’ homes has closed following its loss of a council contract over “serious concerns”.
Forty-three people have lost their jobs following the closure of Care North-West of Middleton Road, Chadderton.
Oldham Council has reassured patients they will receive care from other providers.
Company employees said the agency announced the closure on Wednesday and that they would not receive owed wages, after revealing only a week earlier that they would be losing their jobs over the company’s poor financial position.
One employee said: “We were promised wages would be paid. But on Wednesday we were told that isn’t the case. It is heartbreaking that these promises have been broken.” He said workers were in tears when they heard the news.
Oldham Council had a contract with the company to provide home care for up to 60 patients at a time.
The firm was told in February this year the contract would end on April 19, following problems with the service.
Councillor Susan Dearden, the council’s social services and community health spokesman, said: “Care North-West failed to implement its own action plan following a complaint and contract monitoring visits. These involved staff training, medication, infection control and policies and procedures.”
Over the past three years the council worked with the company to resolve issues and had suspended it twice over concerns.