Wiltshire to launch new drugs and alcohol advisory service
From Monday, all drug and alcohol services in Wiltshire will be brought together into a new community-based, integrated, county-wide drug and alcohol treatment service.
The new service will provide a number of ‘one stop shops’ in the region for drug and alcohol support, which it is claimed will enhance accessibility for service users across the county.
The new integrated Wiltshire Substance Misuse Service will be provided by leading health and social care organisation, Turning Point, which has been working in the fields of substance misuse, mental health and learning disability for almost 50 years.
The service will also provide a range of support interventions including help with employment, housing, legal and educational issues; peer mentoring opportunities and counselling and psychology services.
Selina Douglas, managing director for Turning Point’s substance misuse services said: “Turning Point is delighted to have won the contract to provide a new community-based, county-wide, drug and alcohol treatment service in Wiltshire.
“We will be providing a number of integrated services across the county, enhancing accessibility for service users in the area. We are looking forward to working with the current staff, residents, services and businesses in Wiltshire to deliver this new, innovative service and turn people’s lives around.”
Maggie Rae, Wiltshire Council corporate director said: “We are very excited about the prospect of a fully integrated drug and alcohol treatment service focused on recovery coming to Wiltshire and I am looking forward to this service building on the excellent outcomes that have been achieved in recent years.
“This is a really positive step forward in helping us to improve the health and well being of those requiring specialist substance misuse support.”