Are Employer Standards making a difference to your workplace?
BASW is urging members to take part in a survey to find out if new standards – setting out clear expectations of employers for helping you in your work – are operating effectively.
The Advisory Implementation Groups (AIG) for Employer Standards and Supervision, of which BASW is a member, wants to know if the Employer Standards and Supervision are having an impact where you work, so has devised a short questionnaire to be completed online.
Encouraging people to complete the survey, BASW England Manager Ruth Cartwright says: ‘It would be great to receive feedback from the frontline practitioners who are supposed to be benefiting from these standards and who should be receiving the support they need to carry out their difficult and demanding work.
“We are in tough times as far as social work employers are concerned but that is all the more reason why they should be supporting their staff and ensuring their wellbeing in order to continue to offer the best possible service to service users.
“Where there is good practice let’s hear about that and spread it, and where practice is not so good we need to put pressure on employers and offer them support and guidance to come up to scratch for the sake of staff and service users.”
Please take a moment to complete the survey. You can find the employer standards here , so please take a look and see how your employer measures up.
Take the survey now.