Oxfordshire social worker is suspended

A FORMER county social worker accused of keeping poor records and failing to maintain contact with mental health patients has been suspended.

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has suspended Clare Bowthorpe-Weller from its register for 12 months for poor record keeping and failing to maintain regular contact with people who use social services.

The ruling was made following a two- day hearing in London last week into the conduct of the former Oxfordshire County Council employee.

A panel heard she repeatedly failed to complete paperwork for a number of adults with severe mental health issues.

The panel heard she also failed to maintain regular contact with people who used the service and lied to her manager about why she did not see one distressed individual.

Panel chairman Raymond Pattison said: “With regard to her failings in practice, the panel is satisfied that these exposed service users and members of the public to a risk of harm.”

Council spokesman Martin Crabtree said: “We support the decision they have taken. Ms Bowthorpe-Weller was an employee with the county council between 2003 and 2012 and the concerns that were investigated by the HCPC relate to the latter part of her time with us.